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2012-02-23 00:37:15

Train Crash in Argentina

Hundreds of Argentinian commuters injured in train crashAt least 340 passengers hurt after train hit end of line in Once station in Buenos AiresCommuters help a passenger injured in the train crash at...

2012-02-15 12:02:18

Why a Big Mac Costs Less Than a Salad

March 9, 2010, 11:56 amWhy a Big Mac Costs Less Than a SaladBy CATHERINE RAMPELL 1:35 p.m. | Updated The Consumerist recently linked to this remarkable chart:Physicians Committee for Responsible Medic...

2012-01-30 17:43:43


台鐵台北機廠明天吹熄燈號中廣新聞網 – 2012年1月30日 下午5:25為了配合高鐵通車到南港車站的需求,台鐵台北機廠進廠軌道將於明天(31號)凌晨起封閉,台北市中心僅存的地面月台也將隨之走入歷史。而新建的富岡機廠...

2011-12-16 18:55:36


南科高鐵爆弊 「80億烏龍一場」作者: 記者鄭宏斌、蔡永彬、周宗禎╱連線報導 | 聯合新聞網 – 2011年12月16日 上午11:18監察院調查發現,國科會辦理南科高鐵減振工程案,讓不符資格廠商鴻華公司得標,鴻華不僅違法外...

2011-12-13 00:36:06

Russian billionaire to run against Putin

Russian billionaire to run against PutinBy the CNN Wire StaffDecember 12, 2011 -- Updated 1439 GMT (2239 HKT)Russian metals tycoon and US basketball team owner Mikhail Prokhorov speaking in Moscow on ...

2011-11-29 12:03:02

Big sales jump for 'Cyber Monday'

Big sales jump for 'Cyber Monday'By Doug Gross, CNNNovember 28, 2011 -- Updated 2218 GMT (0618 HKT)Analysts say an abundance of deals are so far spurring record online sales this holiday shopping seas...

2011-11-26 19:06:50

NBA season expected to start on Christmas

Tentative NBA deal reached; season expected to start on ChristmasBy the CNN Wire StaffNovember 26, 2011 -- Updated 1048 GMT (1848 HKT)Billy Hunter, former executive director of the National Basketball...

2011-08-05 14:42:55

猩球崛起 The Rise of the Planet of the Apes -- Part II

(由於我是一上映就去看了,所以關於這篇的內容,要先說:雷很大!!!!!慎入)其實猩猩們實在太搶戲了每隻有特色的猩猩都相當鮮明主角 Caesar 不用說真是多才多藝腦袋好得不得了之外還有卓越的領導能力從思考力(...

2011-08-05 11:09:42

Andy Serkis at Comic-Con: my ape role evolution

Andy Serkis at Comic-Con: my ape role evolutionAndy Serkis revealed to Comic-Con why he was drawn to play another motion-captured role, this time about a revolutionary simian in Rise of the Planet of ...

2011-08-05 08:47:03

猩球崛起 The Rise of the Planet of the Apes -- Part I

一個人去看了這部片子,很好看!我保證這篇觀後感不會是個看帥哥的膚淺粉絲的心情。^_^雖然... James Franco 的確是個好看的傢伙,哈。畢竟是以在電視劇飾演 James Dean 受到矚目,憂鬱氣質算是他的註冊商標之一。所...

2011-08-05 08:00:40

Letters to FGW

Do you complain to station staff when your train is delayed or do you take time out of your busy day to write and register your complaint with management? One English commuter has gone a step further....

2011-08-05 07:48:31

UK's secret policy on torture revealed

UK's secret policy on torture revealedExclusive: Document shows intelligence officers instructed to weigh importance of information sought against pain inflictedA number of men said they were question...

2011-08-05 07:43:11

Monkey business: primates on film

Monkey business: primates on filmThe Rise of the Planet of the Apes blockbuster reboot is out next week. To celebrate, we revisit the strange and complicated history of primate films – and ask whethe...

2011-08-05 07:37:21

World stock markets in turmoil

After a day of massive stock market falls in Europe and the US of a kind not seen since the depths of the last economic downturn, traders said the atmospherewas reminiscent of the banking crisis of Oc...

2011-07-24 10:51:03

昨大暑 今夏台北最高溫

昨大暑 高溫37.2度 今夏台北最高溫自由時報 – 6小時前〔自由時報記者林嘉琪、劉力仁/綜合報導〕昨天是二十四節氣中的「大暑」,全台艷陽高照。根據環保署紫外線監測值,全台除雲林斗六及台中市之外,其餘都到危險級...

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