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2003-01-08 12:34:22| 人氣61| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

明天的 _爛報告

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 ....... . .. .
 These albums are which of I like better in my all albums.

 1st The album's name is “The Menace”.
 This band is called “Elastica”.
 Instead of aiming for another collection of tight-fisted party punk,
 The group has run amok in the studio and created a party record of a different kind.
 "Mad Dog Goo Dam" opens with a loose, swaggering mess of disparate beats and sounds pulls together with sheer attitude and a simple chorus.

 2nd ”White Magic for Lovers” by “Drugstore”
 White Magic is a dramatic leap in a different direction, and they don't waste a second letting you know it.
 The singer has a strong, sweet voice with a little moody.
 The 1st song-"Say Hello" opens the album with sloppy loud guitar.
 After that announce, the band makes no mistakes: White Magic is startlingly original and fresh.

 3rd ”Haunted” by “POE”
 It is an amazingly personal and tripping album.
 She lets her audience glimpse a bit into the pain she suffered 2 yrs before her first album and shows how she dealt with it.
 It is beautiful and enchanting,

 4th “Miss Perfect” by “ciacia”
 It's a sweet voice but forceful. The words are simple and unadorned.
 The singer has a lovely face and dare to express her true thought like the words”little pills are what they call..”

 5th “Her Sheen Sway” by “ciacia”
 This album has been published on Dec. 24th.
 It's with a simple rock and roll.
 Ciacia still use her sweet voice sang the songs powerful.
 The melody is brisk but the lyrics are certain sorrow and satire.

 These five albums are which I listened all day.
 I don't understand the drum, the guitar, the songs' program.
 I just listened and felt.

               .. . ...也真的有夠爛

台長: ecru
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