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2005-07-05 00:58:00| 人氣91| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Breath Again

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唱:Juwita Suwito

Have you wondered how it feels when it’s all over
Wondered how it feels when you just have to start a new
Never knowing where you’re going
When you face a brand new day
It used to be that way
Now I just close my eyes and say

I just want to breathe again
Learn to face the joy and pain
Discover how to laugh a little...cry a little...
Live a little more...

I just wanna face today
Forget about the woes of yesterday
Maybe if I hope a little
Try a little more...
I’ll breathe again

Starting out again is never easy.
Disappointments come and go but life still moves on
With a bit of luck, it’s a brand new start
That might just work my way
No need to walk away
Don’t want to live on life replay

I just want to breathe again
Learn to face the joy and pain
Discover how to laugh a little, cry a little
Live a little more...

I just wanna face today
Forget about the woes of yesterday
Maybe if I hope a little
Try a little more...
I’ll breathe again

Things will work out fine
If you can find the courage to look past the night
To see the break of dawn

台長: 阿珍
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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