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ITC tosses Motorola's legal complaint against Apple guild wa

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ITC tosses Motorola's legal complaint against Apple
The U.S. International Trade Commission today ended Motorola's case against Apple, which accused the iPhone and Mac maker of patent infringement. In a ruling (PDF), the ITC said that Apple was not violating Motorola's U.S. patent covering proximity guild wars 2 Power leveling sensors, which the commission called "obvious." It was the last of six patents Motorola http://www.rmtbuddy.com/guild-wars-2-gold-us-powerleveling.html aimed at Apple as part of an October 2010 complaint. That complaint was part of a larger legal effort by Motorola against Apple that also involved patent lawsuits in several U.S. District courts. The decision follows a long series of determinations, reviews, and petitions, as well as a change in ownership of Motorola, which Google acquired last May. An administrative law judge initially found Apple to be violating one of the patents, but that decision was reviewed, and an ITC judge found the patent invalid. Motorola later requested that decision be reviewed once again. Technology companies in recent years have increasingly turned to the ITC to settle their disputes. Companies can pursue an ITC case in parallel with civil lawsuits, and the threat of an embargo on products typically forces companies to settle more quickly.Apple declined to comment on the decision. CNET has contacted Motorola for comment and will update this post when we know more.(via FOSS Patents)
ITC tosses Motorola's legal complaint against Apple

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