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Meet Samsung's new toddler-friendly Galaxy Tab gw2 power lev

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Meet Samsung's new toddler-friendly Galaxy Tab
Samsung has a new version of its 7-inch Galaxy Tab 3 on the way, but this one's not for you. With its colorful shell and rugged plastic case, this model is aimed squarely at the kids.The Galaxy Tab 3 Kids, as it's called, is basically the same as the standard Galaxy Tab 3 -- due to be unveiled at IFA next week -- but replaces the normal TouchWiz gw2 power leveling rmtbuddy software with a child-friendly interface. As well as pre-loaded educational software, games and apps, the slate will have access to a dedicated kids app store, presumably overseen by the parents to avoid the kids racking up huge app bills.It'll also guild wars 2 Power leveling have a time-management feature that locks the tablet after a certain amount of time. Samsung reckons this is to ensure parents can properly monitor how much time their nippers are spent staring at a device screen.Read more of "Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 Kids is a tablet for your toddler" at Crave UK.
Meet Samsung's new toddler-friendly Galaxy Tab

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