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班格羅靜心所 二月七日

古儒吉大師生命裡越多的悅性(純淨)上升,工作任務也就越容易達成。悅性(純淨)的多寡決定了我們的生產力。如果你花很多的努力,結果卻低於預期,這意味著悅性(純淨)不足。一旦我們從事靜心,我們的工作將變得容易進展。你們有多少人注意到這情形?(聽眾們舉手)。人們不知道這個秘密。他們認為為什麼要花20 - 30分鐘靜坐,那些時間可以用來賺更多的錢。





Bangalore Ashram, Feb. 7

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: The more sattva/purity rises in your life, the more easily your tasks get accomplished. The amount of sattva/ purity in us decides the productivity of our input. If you put in a lot of effort and the result turns out to be less or below your expectations, it means that there is a lack of sattva/ purity in life. When we meditate, then our work happens easily. How many of you have noticed this? (Audience raises their hands). People are unaware of this secret. They think why to spend 20 – 30 minutes meditating, when that time can be spent to earn them money. It is very important to meditate whenever we get time, so that you accomplish your tasks more efficiently and with ease.



台長: Guruji
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