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About Sodium citrates

 Sodium citrates chemicals, food additives, development, buffer emulsifier, stabilizer, and the chemical industry, metallurgical industry, the process of absorption of sulfur dioxide exhaust, Sodium citrates is widely used in non-hydrogen electroplation. Sodium citrates citric acid, sodium salt, see: MSG, citric acid citric acid citric acid sodium phosphate 3-forms, also referred to as food additive E331.

Sodium citrates use:
Sodium citrates used in ice cream, to prevent fat globules from sticking together. Citrate and phosphate, have this property. Sodium citrates is also an anticoagulant. E331 as a buffer, Sodium citrates help keep the pH level of soft drinks. Sodium citrates as a chelating agent, Sodium citrates the importance of calcium in the water, let them interfere with detergent and soap.

台長: foodingchina


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