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Why Captain America Always Wears a Mask

We often watch Marvel movies and find that everyone knows the true face of Captain America, why is he still wearing a mask .cosplay captain america costume ?

Captain's mask is not for demonstration and defense, but exists as one of the representatives of Captain America's spirit. With the mask on, he's Captain America; off the mask, he's Private Stephen Rogers. As Civil War ends: "I'm not going to let them arrest Captain America, they're going to arrest Stephen Rogers. Those are two completely different things."

In fact, the reason why many superheroes wear masks in the later period is to tell people that the person who comes is their patron saint and the evil star of the enemy. Taking off the mask may not reduce power, but it will weaken the mental image in people's hearts.


What is Captain America's shield in the movie? 

How Captain America Became a Super Soldier 

Why is Captain America getting old in Marvel movies? 

台長: ehsakfhsn
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