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Application areas of industrial computers

Initially, industrial computers were only used in the measurement, control, and management of industrial production processes. Now, Industrial PC  have undergone earth-shaking changes, and the scope of application is no longer limited to the field of industrial automation, but has become the core of automation equipment and infrastructure equipment in the information industry.


As technology advances, industrial computers can take on more responsibilities and their roles become more important. At present, industrial computers have been widely used in intelligent transportation, medical equipment, self-service terminals, police equipment and other fields, and continue to expand to financial services, network security, multimedia applications and other fields.


The continuous deepening of social informatization will further release the market demand for industrial computers. Industrial computers will provide important technical support for the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, and play an important role in many fields with broad prospects.


In general, industrial computers are no longer limited to the field of industrial automation, and their potential in all walks of life is constantly being tapped, playing an increasingly important role. Enterprises related to the industrial chain such as application systems will usher in important development opportunities.



How to choose a trusted industrial computer manufacturer 

How to choose industrial computer manufacturers 

Performance characteristics of industrial computers 

台長: ehsakfhsn
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