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2003-08-28 21:34:35| 人氣64| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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F-‘Why you are becoming so negative? I always try to encourage you. But why you always block all the way? Where is the beautiful, self-confident, attractive, passionate and carefree girl?’
W-‘I am a negative person, always negative.’
F-‘No, you are not. I still remember I first met you, and there is something in your eyes. You are a really good laugher.’
W-‘Sorry,That’s an illusion, a typical absolute wrong impression of me. Some people even called me ‘Happy Luck Princess’, but I am not. I am ‘Bitter Pathetic Sorehead’’.
F-‘But why you are so negative? Why?’
W-‘I told you I am a born negative person just with a pretty positive face. OK?’
… …

F-‘Do you like the ‘Pirate of Caribbean- Curse of Black Pearl’? ’
W-‘Yes, I think it’s the best movie in this summer. Music is great, but sounds so familiar, just like identical twin of the music in ‘The Rock’.’
F-‘Probably, same producer.’
W-‘I really like Captain Jack. You know, he’s so ridiculously charming!’
F-‘So you fancy him, right?’
W-‘Who is the guy?’
F-‘Johnny Depp! How could you not recognize him?’
W-‘Johnny Deep, I never heard of his name, which other films he was in?’
F-‘You don’t know Johnny Depp! Everybody know him, he is same age as Brad, as famous as Brad as well.’
W-‘Though? Anyway, his looking is quite distinguished. Captain Jack is a pirate, but speaks English in very elegant way, behaves like an upper-class Dude. I like this kind of guy, you see full of free spirits.’
F-‘What kind of sprits? Obviously he drank too much Rum.’
W-‘You are teasing me.You know what I meant. I mean free-spirit. A spirit of freedom! I admire this kind of people. Regardless of any social, moral rules and legacy, he just does what he think is right.’
F-‘Yeah, kind of madness!’
W-‘You have no passion of life at all. People like him are full of passion for life and freedom. You would not understand. I really like his attitude, ‘who cares’ attitude.’
… …

W-‘I think I cannot pass these exams anyway. There’re just 10 weeks left!’
F-‘I believe you could go through them. You definitely could. You still have 10 weeks left, not 10 days.’
W-‘What did make you think I could? You always said I could. But it’s impossible. I have three subjects. One needs 200 hours study, and then three subjects mean 600 hours. Even I study 8 hours a day, and I still need 75 days. It’s unlikely to study 8 hours a day, even if I were a full-time student. In fact, I am a full-time worker.’
F-‘But you should do your best, right, you still have time to do it.’
W-‘I don’t want to do it. Why I must do it? I have no motivation to do it. Life is so boring! I hate study! I spend my life on this kind of stupid exams!’
F-‘So, what kind of life you want? If you don’t take these exams, what are you going to do instead?’
W-‘don’t ask me this question, I don’t know. I am just such a looser. Life is so meaningless to me!’
F-'Then try another life. You could do what do you want to do.'
W-'I cannot, i just do what i should do. I don't want other people think me as a freak.'
W-'I am an absolutely looser!'
F-‘Why are so negative? I always try to encourage you….’
Never trust what a woman said about herself. Probably at that night, she thought she was an unnegotiable looser, but likely next morning she would find out she is still unbelivable beautiful and full of unbeatable passion for her meaningless life. ^_^

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