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2009-01-09 10:47:00| 人氣1,109| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇
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自從體檢之後,閱讀健康新聞似乎變成我的偏好,看到一篇ABC7電視網的報導。根據營養學家建議,沒有一種特定食物是萬靈丹,但是透過不同食物的組合搭配,卻可以達到食療的效果,特別是增加人體的免疫力。ABC7電視台的Food Coach科本(Lori Corbin)撰文發表理論,教導民眾如何吃出健康。


古人說過:「一天一顆蘋果,便可遠離醫師(An apple a day keeps the doctor away)」。蘋果中所含的槲皮素,具有天然治療感冒的能力,這種成分亦可在綠色花椰菜與莓果裡攝取。



While there isn’t one food that is considered the nutritional all-star, there is a host of foods that have wonderful health benefits. When eaten frequently in tandem with other foods, "medicine food" can provide loads of protection against inflammatory ailments.

Tea is one of the best. The polyphenols in tea have been shown to inhibit the growth of bacteria that cause strep and other throat infection. Make the results even better by squeezing lemon into green tea, which offers five times the catechin. Catechin is a heart-healthy antioxidant. If you add a spoonful of honey, you’ve got a triple-whammy because of its antibacterial powers.

The old saying, "an apple a day keeps the doctor away," has merit. The plant chemical quercetin in apples has a natural flu-fighting component, the same found in broccoli and berries. Broccoli also has sulforaphane, which is a chemical compound that assists white blood cells fight free-radical damage.

Studies show that the lactic-acid bacteria in yogurt stimulates immune cells that fight illness. Since it is also high in zinc, it will provide maximum absorbability of vitamin A foods like cantaloupe. The combination is a good shield for common viruses.

While we know that vegetables contain vitamins, minerals and plant chemicals that support your immune system, you may not know that combining a tablespoon of heart-healthy fat like olive oil, nuts, seeds or avocado, can amp up the antioxidant power even more. As it turns out, the veggies need the fat to absorb the nutrients, so don’t feel bad about having a good source of fat.

And since most of us tend to eat healthy when we feel something coming on, it is important to note that these foods should be in your weekly menu to keep the bad bugs at bay.

台長: 賣花陳
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