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2009-04-10 13:09:37

聆聽 Silvaplana

Silvaplana位於希爾瓦普拉納湖 ( Lej da Silvaplana ) 與查普菲爾湖(Lej da Champfel)交接處,主要景色便是希爾瓦普拉納湖 ( Lej da Silvaplana ),田園般的風景,美不勝收。湖岸有美麗的城堡,澄湖堡影,倒映著雪...

2009-04-10 11:02:50

阿萊奇冰河(Aletsch Glacier)

阿萊奇冰河(Aletsch Glacier)是從少女峰地區一直延伸到阿萊奇地區的阿爾卑斯山脈最大的冰河。那裏有很多冰凍的大河,與岸邊樹林相映成趣而形成美麗的風景。阿萊奇冰河實際上是由源自門希峰的Ewigschneefeld、源自少...

2009-04-10 10:02:23

眺望冰河的山城 --- Bettmeralp

瑞士最大的冰川 - 阿萊奇冰川(Aletsch Glacier)以少女峰爲起點,流向西特奧爾普和貝特莫阿爾卑 ( Bettmeralp )。如果您想去這兩個度假地,只需在羅乃峽谷乘纜車上即可。被稱爲阿萊奇的這個地區是觀賞冰川最理想的地...

2009-04-09 15:58:38

優雅的 Luzern

琉森 ( Luzern ) 原是河畔的小漁村,西元八世紀時因修道院的建造漸有名氣,十三世紀時聖格塔魯山口通道開通,琉森成為義大利與北歐之間的交通要道。琉森人口只有65000人,不算是大城市,可算是一個典型的瑞士市鎮。它...

2009-04-09 14:50:45

「歐洲屋脊」--- 少女峰 ( Jungfrau )


2009-04-08 14:33:15

三訪 Lauterbrunnen

Lauterbrunnen 位於少女峰地區的西面,從山崖上落下來70多個瀑布和小河,所以勞特布龍嫩的德語直譯是很多的泉水,這個小鎮是名副其實的瀑布鎮。其中施陶河瀑布是村子的標誌性經管,詩人歌德和伍德·沃斯曾寫詩來讚美...

2009-04-08 13:44:55

再訪 Wengen

Wengen位於可以俯瞰Lauterbrunnen的高地上,是個旅店等住宿設施相當齊備的觀光度假村,和Murren一樣,這裏也是禁止汽油機車行駛的,所以遊客們可以盡情享受山裏寧靜的氛圍。*** 周圍地區旅遊情報 ***◆ 曼麗申 ( Man...

2009-04-08 09:07:51

我最愛的小小山村 --- Gimmelwald

Gimmelwald: For the Swiss Alps in Your LapWhen told you're visiting Gimmelwald, Swiss people assume you mean the famous resort in the next valley, Grindelwald. When assured that Gimmelwald is your tar...

2009-04-07 15:19:01

Hiking trail : Lauterbrunnen - Stechelberg

Hiking trail : Lauterbrunnen - StechelbergRegion: Bernese OberlandDuration: 1h45Distance: 6.5 km, 4 milesCategory: easy*** Introduction ***The hike between Lauterbrunnen and Stechelberg is not diffic...

2009-04-07 12:48:46

Hiking trail : First - Bachsee - First

Hiking trail : First - Bachsee - FirstRegion: Bernese OberlandDuration: 2h30Distance: 6 km, 3.7 milesCategory: average*** Introduction ***There are various hiking possibilities from First (pronounce...

2009-04-06 18:22:21

Hiking trail : First - Grosse Scheidegg

Hiking trail :First - Grosse ScheideggRegion: Bernese OberlandDuration: 1h30Distance: 5 km, 3.1 milesCategory: easy*** Introduction ***The route between First ( pronounce as ‘Fierst’ ) and the Gros...

2009-04-06 17:43:36

Hiking trail : Mürren - Grütschalp

Hiking trail :Mürren - GrütschalpRegion: Bernese OberlandDuration: 1h30Distance: 4 km, 2.5 milesCategory: easy*** Introduction ***This easy route crosses forests and grasslands and offers great vie...

2009-04-06 14:36:08

Hiking trail:Kleine Scheidegg - Männlichen

Hiking trail:Kleine Scheidegg - Männlichen*** Introduction ***The hike from Kleine Scheidegg to Männlichen is a fairly easy short route with only slight ascents and descents. From Kleine Scheidegg...

2009-04-02 14:50:54

Grindelwald 的天空

格林德瓦 ( Grindelwald ) 位於艾格峰 ( Eiger ) 的北麓腳下,面向貝塔峰 ( Wetterhorn ),沿著險峻的地勢擁有兩條冰河。作爲遊覽少女峰的阿爾卑斯小鎮,倍受歡迎。周邊的費爾斯特 ( First )、曼麗申 ( Mannlichen )...

2009-04-02 14:06:46


If you adore balmy lake breezes and a mild climate combined with peace and tranquillity - then Iseltwald is just the place for you. The picture-post-card resort offers both wonderful walks along the L...

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