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2003-04-26 22:35:09| 人氣19| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

just sometimes

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Sometimes I feel i'm pretty partly,
maybe because my eyes look different from the other time. Just some dazzling light coming out from that little black dots.
i feel uneasy when i'm not perceived by the way i use to preceive myself, and i feel so unconfident. I feel like i can't compete with other shiny chicks outside around me when they smell so good with the high classic make-up on,and the golden powder scattering when they pass by, like charm enchanted, but the magic attention still holds my eyes.

I know materialism is shallow but it's still there racking my nerve.

I'm not pretty all the time, if you look into me closely, you would find out lots of spots and flaws on me. The unclean skin on my face with scars and spots,and my eyes don't look the same big thought they have been very small. And I hate my eyebrow and hair too,they never get neat. I have curl hair, dark, rough skin, and strong arms. Don't know why, but i'm not a soft-sweet girl in that feature.

I know I can't care all of these anymore because i'm too tired. And i know i won't be having a handsome, considerate,and charming foreign boy since there's no fairy tale in reality,more, it's in taiwan.

it becomes bubble everything qwhen i come to realize something.

I always can find back my charm and beauty in my free spirit,and that 's it.

台長: 尚未設定
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