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Places to Visit in -Yangon Cit


Yangon City Half Day Tour

The experience:
Spend half day visiting the major sights in Myanmar. Get more close to this mysterious city !
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- Starting Time:8:30am or 1:30pm
- Departure Point:Hotel pick up
- Time Duration:4 hours
- Return Details:Returning to your hotel
- Voucher Type:Printed Electronic Voucher

- Highlights -

# Visit the national museum!
# Marvel at the Shwedagon Pagoda!
# Learn the Burmese history and culture in Yangon!

- What You Can Expect -

Yangon lies in the fertile delta of southern Myanmar, on the wide Yangon River.The city is filled with shaded boulevards, while shimmering stupas float above the treetops. The city became the capital only in 1885, when the British completed their conquest of Upper Myanmar and Mandalay's brief period as capital of the last Burmese kingdom ended. Start the tour at the SULE PAGODA, a gleaming octagonal pagoda that stands squarely at the center point of the city. Afterwards, visit the NATIONAL MUSEUM to gain an insight into Myanmar. See the eight meter high Sihasana Lion Throne,used by the last Burmese king, and other fascinating artifacts from Burmese history and culture. Finally, continue to the SHWEDAGON PAGODA, the highlight of any visit to Yangon. Towering over the city, this pagoda is the most sacred spot in the country, built to house eight hair relics of the Buddha. The Shwedagon and surrounding shrines are at their most beautiful during the sunset hour, as the golden stupa reflects the changing colors of twilight.

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< type='text/javascript'> kkdayad.coll.push({ id: 'div-gpt-ad-1487756896334-4', kkdayStyleId: 4 });


- Starting Time:8:30am or 1:30pm
- Departure Point:Hotel pick up
- Time Duration:4 hours
- Return Details:Returning to your hotel
- Voucher Type:Printed Electronic Voucher

- Highlights -

# Visit the national museum!
# Marvel at the Shwedagon Pagoda!
# Learn the Burmese history and culture in Yangon!

- What You Can Expect -

Yangon lies in the fertile delta of southern Myanmar, on the wide Yangon River.The city is filled with shaded boulevards, while shimmering stupas float above the treetops. The city became the capital only in 1885, when the British completed their conquest of Upper Myanmar and Mandalay's brief period as capital of the last Burmese kingdom ended. Start the tour at the SULE PAGODA, a gleaming octagonal pagoda that stands squarely at the center point of the city. Afterwards, visit the NATIONAL MUSEUM to gain an insight into Myanmar. See the eight meter high Sihasana Lion Throne,used by the last Burmese king, and other fascinating artifacts from Burmese history and culture. Finally, continue to the SHWEDAGON PAGODA, the highlight of any visit to Yangon. Towering over the city, this pagoda is the most sacred spot in the country, built to house eight hair relics of the Buddha. The Shwedagon and surrounding shrines are at their most beautiful during the sunset hour, as the golden stupa reflects the changing colors of twilight.

台長: bonnief4248n
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