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2007-05-06 13:31:57| 人氣597| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Why Zenden?

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利物浦再於歐冠決賽遇上AC米蘭,利物浦晉級過程沒有兩年前般戲劇性,但最令人百思不解的是為何”慢翼”辛頓(Bolo Zenden)會於四強對車路士打足全場,反而沙比亞朗素列為後備,連專業的球評家對此也沒有頭緒︰

”It may be heresy to question Benitez’s team selection - the result alone justifies his every choice - yet opting for two wingers meant they missed the composure of Alonso...Indeed, Zenden’s minimal contribution during the match meant he was almost a specialist penalty taker” - Richard Jolly, Soccernet

”Rafael Benitez suddenly looks like the best manager in England, if not Europe...Not even Bob Paisley’s success was that dramatic, and he was not exactly new to Liverpool, nor reaching European finals with players such as Djimi Traore and Bolo Zenden.” - Paul Wilson - Guardian

”Some people don’t know how important Bolo Zenden is to us because he works really hard for the team and his mentality is really good,” explained the Reds’ manager.

”I decided that he would go up for the first penalty because we were practising in training this morning and he was very good.”

”With Bolo I thought we would start with a really secure player.”


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