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Strongman – Nick Best deadlifting 405lbs for 30 reps

Strongman – Nick Best deadlifting 405lbs for 30 reps

Strongman – Nick Best deadlifting 405lbs for 30 reps

Wanna know how to train a strongman?

In particular, the World’s Strongest Man?

How does it look like to deadlift 405 lbs for 30 reps?

The video below shows the daily training of the World’s Strongest Man, Nick Best. Deadlift 405 pounds x 30 reps.

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Source of this article:

Strongman – Nick Best deadlifting 405lbs for 30 reps

#NickBest #Strongestman #Strongman

台長: 小小師弟
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全站分類: 運動體育(各種運動、運動情報、球迷會) | 個人分類: STRONGMAN NICK BEST |

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