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Best Birthday Vacation Ideas-K

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Khmer Countryside On Horseback - Private Tour

The experience:
If you ever had great affinity with horses, this is your chance to combine your passion with exploring lost temples and authentic Cambodian rural life.
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- Starting Time:7:00am or 4:00pm
- Departure Point:Your hotel in Siem Reap
- Time Duration:5 hours

- Highlights -

# Horseback experience
# Cambodian rural life
# Paddy fields, traditional customs
# Visit crafts, villages, pagodas, ancient temples

- What You Can Expect -

The Happy Ranch in Siem Reap is a well-established institution where a total of thirty horses are groomed and available for riding. On those horsebacks, you will visit and know more about daily life in villages, pagodas and ancient temples. And after that, you may feel more closer to local life and people there. It』s a good way to understand a country.

Arrive at the ranch and learn more about how the horses are kept, bred and fed. Explore the 10 acres of land that make up the ranch before climbing on the back of a horse for a ride through Cambodia』s rural scenery. Riding through paddy fields, visiting authentic places and observing traditional customs makes you feel like you have stepped back in time. Several rides are available varying from a 30 minute trial ride at the ranch to a half day ride visiting crafts villages, pagodas and ancient temples. An experienced Cambodian instructor will join you all the way. If riding is not for you, horse carts are also available. Then, back to Siem Reap city. Tour ends.

< type='text/javascript'> var kkdayCid = 3366; var kkdayLang = 'zh-tw'; var kkdayad = kkdayad || {}; kkdayad.coll = kkdayad.coll || []; (function() { var kkdayjs = document.createElement('script'); kkdayjs.type = 'text/javascript'; kkdayjs.async = true; kkdayjs.src = 'https://www.kkday.com/assets/js/kkday-affi.js'; (document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]).appendChild(kkdayjs); })();
< type='text/javascript'> kkdayad.coll.push({ id: 'div-gpt-ad-1487756896334-4', kkdayStyleId: 4 });


- Starting Time:7:00am or 4:00pm
- Departure Point:Your hotel in Siem Reap
- Time Duration:5 hours

- Highlights -

# Horseback experience
# Cambodian rural life
# Paddy fields, traditional customs
# Visit crafts, villages, pagodas, ancient temples

- What You Can Expect -

The Happy Ranch in Siem Reap is a well-established institution where a total of thirty horses are groomed and available for riding. On those horsebacks, you will visit and know more about daily life in villages, pagodas and ancient temples. And after that, you may feel more closer to local life and people there. It』s a good way to understand a country.

Arrive at the ranch and learn more about how the horses are kept, bred and fed. Explore the 10 acres of land that make up the ranch before climbing on the back of a horse for a ride through Cambodia』s rural scenery. Riding through paddy fields, visiting authentic places and observing traditional customs makes you feel like you have stepped back in time. Several rides are available varying from a 30 minute trial ride at the ranch to a half day ride visiting crafts villages, pagodas and ancient temples. An experienced Cambodian instructor will join you all the way. If riding is not for you, horse carts are also available. Then, back to Siem Reap city. Tour ends.

台長: antonip1a7mnv
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