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Types of Hernia Operation

Following are the types of hernia operation discussed below:

• Tension repair hernia operation

• Open tension-free repair hernia operation

• Laparoscopic tension-free repair hernia operation

All these hernia operations are open hernia operation, and at ALSA, we provide another type of hernia operation known as a laparoscopic hernia operation. The laparoscopic hernia operation is very safe and effective. Our expert surgeon performs this surgery on his patients with care and proper handling. He is an expert surgeon in the field of laparoscopic surgeries.

Laparoscopic Hernia Operation

Laparoscopic hernia operation doesn’t take much time, and it also doesn’t involve major incision like in open hernia operation. Laparoscopic hernia operation also doesn’t involve much scarring as the procedure is properly explained in laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair.

The laparoscopic hernia operation is more common nowadays than the open hernia operation because of its numerous benefits over the open hernia procedure.

It ensures quick recovery, so a person can get back to his/her normal activities quickly, like going to school, college, university, or work as you can read about the recovery here.

The laparoscopic hernia operation is done by putting a small camera known as a laparoscope inside the abdomen, and then that camera puts an image on the monitor and is used to visualize the inside by that, and the Surgeon will carry out the surgery that way. The technique used in the laparoscopic hernia operation is least invasive and very effective.

ALSA has qualified and dedicated staff with a highly educated and Laparoscopic professional surgeon, who has vast experience of work in his field before moving to Pakistan.

Laparoscopic Hernia operation is performed by appropriately inflating the abdominal cavity by using carbon dioxide.

Similarly, laparoscopic surgery is a good option for other colon surgeries too and it is even followed there now due to its benefits of getting back to the daily life quickly.

Usually in hernias, the tissues become trapped inside the abdominal wall, and this hernia is termed as an incarcerated hernia.

In some cases the hernia becomes strangulated, and that will cut off the blood supply to the tissues, intestines and organs and that can result in serious complications and death of the person even, so laparoscopic hernia operation can save from that.

The strangulated hernia has many wide-ranging symptoms that can cause much pain and discomfort, it causes fever, nausea and even inability to move to pass gas and stool, and laparoscopic hernia operation will be the savior there.

台長: alsapak
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全站分類: 健康樂活(醫學、養生、減重)

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