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2009-09-18 22:02:33| 人氣429| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

I try it ..

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Well..I first write blog in English . so.. have wrong please don't laugh me

My name is Tommy. I have family.have father have mother and have a brother

and a sister. I love my family because we are happy for every day.

I have job. my work is Seven-eleven SO cool ... right?

haha..if this work is my life..then You are wrong

I hate work..because I have to go to bed on 11:00~1:00

I can't feel good..I want to play..I want to play ps2 or watch TV

But I can't..if I have vacation tomorrow..I can with my friend play every night.even don't sleep

well..so I hate work. do you know I was talk something? never mind

Now I try it write blog in english. I want to everybody konw. I can do it


台長: 稱暱長台
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全站分類: 圖文創作(詩詞、散文、小說、懷舊、插畫)

2009-09-23 21:28:29
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