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3/26/08(Wed.) Handout

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Fo Guang English Club
3/26/08(Wed.) Handout 講義
一、Conversation 會話:Addressing a Disaster 災難降臨
Conversation A
Mrs. Wallace: Wallace Dresses, Wendy Wallace. How may I help you?
華嘞斯太太: 華嘞斯服飾店,我是溫蒂‧華嘞斯,有什麼是可以幫助你的?
Patrick: Mrs. Wallace,(Coughs) this is-(Continues coughing)
派崔克: 華嘞斯太太,(咳嗽)我是_
Mrs. Wallace: Sorry, could you repeat that ? I couldn’t hear you.
華嘞斯太太: 對不起,你可以重複一次嗎?我聽不到你。
Patrick: (Coughing) This is Patrick Long.
派崔克: (咳嗽)我是派崔克‧隆。
Mrs. Wallace: Patrick! That’s strange. Shouldn’t you be here you by now? You know we have a busy today, and……
華嘞斯太太: 派崔克!奇怪了。你現在不是該到這裡了嗎?你知道我們今天會很忙的,而且……
Patrick: Excuse me for interrupting, Mrs. Wallace, but I don’t think I can make it today. I’m so sorry.
派崔克: 對不起打斷你,華嘞斯太太,但是我今天沒辦法上班了。我很抱歉。
Mrs. Wallace: What? Oh, Patrick, that’s unacceptable! Jenny Lewis is coming today to have her measurements taken. You’re the only tailor we have! I have no idea what to do!
華嘞斯太太: 什麼?喔,派崔克,這令人無法接受! 珍妮‧露易絲今天要過來量尺寸, 妳是我們唯一的裁縫師。我不知道該怎麼辦才好!
Patrick: I know it’s bad timing, but I’m really feeling under the weather.
派崔克: 我知道現在時機不對,但是我真的很不舒服。
Mrs. Wallace: What are we going to do? Miss Lewis’s wedding is in three days!
華嘞斯太太: 我們該怎麼辦? 三天後就是露易絲小姐的婚禮了!
Patrick: I know you won’t like this idea, but Danny could take the measurements for me.
派崔克: 我知道你不會喜歡這個點子,但是丹尼可以替我量。
Mrs. Wallace: Danny?! I don’t know, Patrick. I mean, Danny is so strange.
華嘞斯太太: 丹尼?!我不知道耶,派崔克。我的意思是,丹尼那麼怪__
Patrick: I know you prefer to keep him in the back room, but he should be OK to take one measurement.(Coughs)
派崔克: 我知道你寧可讓他待在後面,但是涼一次尺寸而已,它應該可以。(咳嗽)
Mrs. Wallace: I guess we have no choice.
華嘞斯太太: 我想我們別無選擇。
Patrick: Please accept my apologies. I feel really bad about this.
派崔克: 請鳩售我的道歉,對此我真的很過意不去。
Mrs. Wallace: That’s all right. We’ll just have to do our best.
華嘞斯太太: 沒關係。我們也只能盡力了。
Conversation B
Mrs. Wallace: Miss Lewis! We’re so glad to see you!
Danny: (Ready with measuring tape and pins) Can I begin now, Mrs. Wallace? Can I?
Mrs. Wallace: (Under her breath) Danny, relax.
Miss Lewis: Please forgive me for being so late. I had a million things to take care of.
Mrs. Wallace: Think nothing of it.
Danny: Can I use the pins now?
Mrs. Wallace: Danny! (To Miss Lewis) I’m sorry to inform you of this, Miss Lewis, but our tailor won’t be back until tomorrow night.
Miss Lewis: Tomorrow? I’m not very happy about that. What about my measurements?
Danny: I have measuring tape and pins!
Mrs. Wallace: This is Danny, the tailor’s assistant. If it’s OK, he can take your measurements.
Miss Lewis: It’ll have to do.
Danny: Waist, twenty-six. Let’s mark that with a pin!
Miss Lewis: Oh! You just stuck that into my hip!
Mrs. Wallace: Careful, Danny!
Danny: Terribly sorry. OK, it’s time to measure the neck!
Miss Lewis: (Choking) That’s tight!
Danny: It’s fourteen inches! Now I’ll mark that with a pin!(Raises pin)
Miss Lewis: Um, Mrs. Wallace, on second thought, I think I’ll wait until tomorrow after all. Is seven o’clock OK?
Danny: But there’s more to measure! More pins!
丹尼: 但還有更多要量耶!更多的針!
Mrs. Wallace: Danny, give me those pins! More pins! (To Miss Lewis) Not a problem. I hope you can accept my apologies.
Miss Lewis: No apologies necessary. Just keep him away!

1. cough (v.) 咳嗽
2. unacceptable (adj.) 不能接受的;不令人滿意
3. tailor (n.) 裁縫師
4. apology (n.) 道歉
5. inform (v.) 報告;告知
6. assistant (n.) 助理;助手
7. hip (n.) 臀部
8. choke(v.) 窒息;哽住
9. measuring tape (n.)捲尺
10. pin (n.)大頭針

二、Idioms 片語
1. under the weather 身體不舒服
2. waste(one’s)breath 指某人白費口舌
3. under(one’s)breath 指某人壓低聲說話
4. hold(one’s)breath 只庰氣以待

三、Reading 閱讀:
The One-Million-Star Phenomenon
The reality talent show One Million Star has been the hottest TV sensation for the past year. What started out as just another talent show has turned into a social phenomenon. It provides a stage for those who wish to become the next Jolin or Jay, and it also motivates families to gather together each week to see the next show. Even seventy-year-old grandmothers are anxious to catch the new episode every Friday evening.
Beyond the show’s success, a more important effect is that it has reminded us of the virtues of daring to dream, working to reach a dream, and comradery among contestants. Instead of the aggressiveness seen in most talent contests, the bonds between the contestants on One Million Star and the encouraging nature of the judges give the show a positive tone.
If you are already a big fan, you can tune in for the third season of the show. If you have missed out on the previous seasons and would like to learn more about the show, check out Kang Lee’s upcoming documentary, Star. This film will show you why this little talent show has had such a strong impact on Taiwanese society.
五、Weekly Sentence 每週一句

You can’t have your cake and eat too. 魚與熊掌不可兼得

台長: Lambo
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