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2007-01-23 22:21:08| 人氣147| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Thanks, Ben!

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最後就是 Ben 幫我解脫的

想看男人對感情給的 advice 嗎?



Ben 說:
where are you?

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
hey bud

Ben 說:
how’s your stomach?

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
not so well, still in taiwan

Ben 說:
aw man!

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
stomach’s been okay, it turned out not to be hernia

Ben 說:
what’s going on?????????

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
but something wrong with my kidney

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
i don’t know

Ben 說:
fuck! like what?

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
i’m not sure, i still feel occasional pain

Ben 說:
jeez man, are the doctors good over there????

Ben 說:
prob from the stress of studying

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
i don’t think it’s anything too serious, coz i’m still alive and kicking

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
yeah docs here are very good, efficient and effective

Ben 說:
yeah, but your kidney is not supposed to hurt

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
but i’m more devastated by the break up with lily

Ben 說:

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
which is really taking a lot out me now

Ben 說:
aw man, when did that happen??

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
about 3 weeks ago

Ben 說:
fuck, i go away for a month and my best buddy has two terrible things happen

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
i try to contain it within myself but it’s hitting me quite hard

Ben 說:
dude, i’m really sorry to hear

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
it’s terrible man...i hate it

Ben 說:
where is she?

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
she’s in taiwan, kaoshiung

Ben 說:
why’d u break up?

Ben 說:
(if you don’t mind talking abt it)

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
well it’s a little bit of long d and a lot of family pressure

Ben 說:

Ben 說:
if it’s an consolance, i have an idea of how you might feel

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
her families’ been giving her pressure to look for someone else, since i’m younger than her and will be away for 2 years

Ben 說:
i still miss halina

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
u do eh

Ben 說:
oh, fuck man, that’s low

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
yeah i hate it

Ben 說:
that’s terrible

Ben 說:
Halina’s mom and her friends didn’t like me either, and i’m sure that contributed to it

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
i also dislike her inability to take control of her own life, perhaps i give her pressure too

Ben 說:
yeah, sure, each of you pressure each other, that’s a typical relationship in my books

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:

Ben 說:
i’m glad i’m not w/halina, but i still miss her from time to time, a year later

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
yeah i can see that

Ben 說:
initially it was really tough

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
i really don’t miss her family pressure

Ben 說:

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
coz a lot of it is pushed onto myself as well

Ben 說:

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
her mom pressures me on a lot of issues and i just really dislike that

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
so yeah, it’s been tough

Ben 說:
well when you’re in Bschool you will have no time for these dramas

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
yeah i hope so

Ben 說:
this might even be best in the long term, and who knows maybe you’ll get back together afterwards

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
i’ll be fine, i’m still learnin’ to cope with it

Ben 說:
yeah man, 3 wks is very recent, it’ll take you probably a year

Ben 說:
i lost my sex drive for 5 months after breaking up w/halina

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
yeah i’m having my thoughts up in that regard. if not now, perhaps we’ll get back together in the future

Ben 說:
what you really need to do is to stay busy and hang out with friends, that way it’s a loooot easier

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
yeah i bet it’ll take me a while to get over this one

Ben 說:
for sure

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
yeah the thing is i’m not busy enough

Ben 說:
and i’m sure your kidney is tied to the emotional stress

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
yeah i agree

Ben 說:
why don’t you come back here, and maybe i will move over to van w/you and we can hang out

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
i haven’t been sleeping well in the last 3 weeks

Ben 說:
sure, i could see that.

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
so it’s terrible

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
yeah i think that’s a good idea

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
i’m going to be spending my chinese new year with the family in taiwan

Ben 說:
i think my shoulder problem is tied to my stress, which is getting better as my stress fades.

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
and will probably return to van at the end of feb or early march

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
oh yeah? good for you man

Ben 說:
i want to learn this thing called Emotional Freedom Technique - check it out on google

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
business is comin’ together?

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
will do

Ben 說:
i plan on learning it, as i hear it is a great thing to do for yourself. Or you can go to a practitioner who can do it for you.

Ben 說:
You might also go to the doctor and ask for a sedative.

Ben 說:
They calm you and help you sleep better.

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
actually that’s on my schedule today

Ben 說:
My dad made me get some in Nov when i was really depressed.

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
i’ve been stayin up all night, and not sleepin’ till 8-10 in the morning

Ben 說:
i only used them for a week or so, but they helped.

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
really eh?

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
i’m looking forward to that

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
i’m so drained...i’ve never encountered this kind of stress before

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
it’s way worse that what one’d get from work

Ben 說:
fuck man, you ve got to go get some from the doctor, seriously. If you are’t sleeping , your body can’t heal itself, and your emotions go even worse. When this happens, a big sickness then strikes to make your body rest.

Ben 說:
i’ve narrowly avoided this myself

Ben 說:
yeah, it’s terrible.

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
yeah i’m going to get this thing taken care of

Ben 說:
did you know paul broke up /w his g.f?

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
he did? aww man all of ur buddies are breaking up

Ben 說:
he’s pretty sad too

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:

Ben 說:
yeah , he wanted to marry her

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:

Ben 說:

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
i know how that feels

Ben 說:
but honestly he can do better

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
is that right

Ben 說:
and he realizes that

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
i’ve never met his girl, how long have they been together

Ben 說:
a few years

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
a couple of years too eh

Ben 說:
what exactly are you doing over there?

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
i’ve just finished my application to my bschools last week

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
now i’m just spending time with my family and some friends in taiwan

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
not doing much for work, that’s why i say i’m not busy enough

Ben 說:

Ben 說:
well congrats on getting the apps done

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
i’m thinking to fill my days with volunteer work

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
get moving with life again

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
chinese new year is coming, so i’m looking forward to spending more time with family then

Ben 說:

Ben 說:
do you still talk w lilly daily?

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
no man

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
i don’t know how to

Ben 說:
well she should knw how you feel

Ben 說:
shows her that you still love her. othewise she has no real idea...

Ben 說:
just my thoughts..

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
is that right?

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
maybe i should write her a letter

Ben 說:
well i told halina, in person is best, or on the phone

Ben 說:
but write down what you wnat to communicate first so you get the right ideas across.

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
interesting thought

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
at least she should know how i feel

Ben 說:
maybe there’s ways to problem-solve around the issues

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
venting it out will probably make me feel better too

Ben 說:
yeah for sure. You’ve got too much invested to just let this go

Ben 說:
yeah, no harm in telling her how much you loveher. She’s prob feeling the same as you.

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
but what can i do? i know winning her over now isn’t best for both of us

Ben 說:
well do the ’conditional close’

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
i’m thinking the best i can do is to get into a good school and show my worth, and perhaps get back once i got my mba degree

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:

Ben 說:
get together until you go to bschool, then tell her ’we’ll say See You Later’ during school, and after the 2 yrs, if we’re both still single, we’ll try dating again

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
i hinted that to her when i last saw her on msn

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
i think i should definitely do that in person

Ben 說:
dude you gotta do this stuff on the phone!

Ben 說:
yeah, person is best!

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
yeah u’re right

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
thanks for giving me some direction pal

Ben 說:
no prob, Brutha from a different Mutha

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:

Ben 說:
and no matter what happens with her, you still got your little ’ol Canadian pal Ben to talk to!

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
for sure!

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
Ben’s my man!

Ben 說:
if you want to come bac k and goto lasqueti for a bit, lets’ do it!

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
sounds good

Ben 說:
sometimes when you’re feeling like shit is a good time toplan for the future

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
plan for the future? in what way?

Ben 說:
yeah, when i broke up, i started reading ’ the power of positive thinking’, then now i’m reading ’the 7 habits of highly effecitve people’.

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
i know what i’m doing in the new few years..but are u referring to something else?

Ben 說:
it’s giving me positive inspiration

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
the power of positive thinking...sounds so familiar

Ben 說:
well plan out the next few months, some things you want to do, or the next 30 years of your career.

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
give myself something else to ponder on

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
the 7 habits, is that from steven covey?

Ben 說:

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
yeah that’s a great book

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
can u believe it? since breakin’ up i’ve read 5 books

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
mostly on trump and real estate

Ben 說:
yeah, but try some positve books

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
will do

Ben 說:
you still have your condo right

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
tenant’s been real behaving

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
helping me pay the mortgage like she should

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
what’s happening in ur life brother?

Ben 說:
well... just a sec

Ben 說:
my dad came in

Ben 說:
now he’s gon

Ben 說:
well i spent a month in costa rica.

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
yeah that was fun eh

Ben 說:
you can see the pics in a few days when i post them, or you can sign up to facebook.com, add me as a friend, and see some of them on there.

Ben 說:
yeah, lots of adventures.

Ben 說:
i found crocodiles in the mangroves, and fed them.

Ben 說:
9 foot long crocs!

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
really? hahahha

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
holy shit!

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:

Ben 說:
yep, there’s pics of it too

Ben 說:

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
lol what did u feed them with? roadkills?

Ben 說:
chicken scraps, and hotdogs. Put it on the end of a fishing line

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
hahaha sounds great

Ben 說:
yeah it was

Ben 說:
if you’re not doing anything, sign up to facebook.com and add me as a friend. You can see mybrother on there and he’s got the pics on his site

Ben 說:
Anyways i gotta go, i’m 30 minutes late for a meeting

Ben 說:
But don’t be a stranger, let me know how things are going buddy

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
sorry about that man, i kept u here

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
for sure. i’ll keep u updated on things

Ben 說:
no i’m happy to be talking with you finally.

Ben 說:
see the doc about the sedatives!!!!!!

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
all right!

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
have a good night pal

Ben 說:
take care man

Ben 說:

.GQ. awaiting invitation 說:
u too

台長: GQ
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