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2013-06-04 09:00:00| 人氣2,282| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

The Living Museum_ Taitung St-Mary's Hospital

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“Because of love, we work together to do something beautiful.”


Taitung St. Mary’s Hospital, previously St. Mary’s Maternity Hospital, is the first hospital that specializes in obstetrics in Taitung and over half of the babies in Taitung were delivered here. Thousands of steady and powerful heartbeats seem to signify that Taitung has moved on from a previous lack of medical resources and glimmers of hope therefore shine.


For the past 50 years, Taitung St. Mary’s Hospital has had a simple and sincere aim; trying to convey “true love” by our actions, thereby breaking the boundary of medical services. Moreover, we show our concerns towards people by means of gospel delivery and pass down the value and power of love in our life, thereby accumulating profound and touching resources. The designer delicately chose the old delivery rooms and operating rooms, which are full of historical significance, as the core of the hospital archive and restored elements in the old spaces to preserve the long tradition of the hospital. Innovative media and design methods were also applied for re-interpretation of the space and the exhibition hall is decorated with lights and shadows, depicting the belief of purity and holiness. The concept of a heartbeat also brings out the power of life hidden in the hospital and tells us a valuable stories about Taitung St. Mary’s Hospital one after another.


Brand new spaces and user experiences combine both virtual and substantial meanings. The archive of Taitung St. Mary’s Hospital, going beyond general historical exhibitions, uses the simplest language to truly present the original intention of human concern, belief in life and our embrace of love. As people in modern society become more and more indifferent, we hope that all visitors to St. Mary’s Hospital Archive can find the origin of life and hear those ear-splitting heartbeats hidden in the scenery frozen in time, thereby obtaining the purest hope and power.


Experience the light of holiness and love

Entering the long hallway in front of the archive, the linear lighting on the ceiling makes focuses our attention on the view of the transparent cross. Cutting and piecing acrylic triangular prisms together, this special design gives a dispersive effect following the movement and changes of lighting. The purpose of this design is to build a holy and warm atmosphere starting at the entrance, portraying the spirit, belief and image of Taitung St. Mary’s Hospital. With simple and pure light beams, all these features will be maximized to give huge inspiration in the space.


Record in heartbeats

The line of life starts from an old, prenatal heart monitor. The delicately embedded heartbeat line powerfully breaks through the wall and opens up the history of Taitung St. Mary’s Hospital and all the stories of the hospital’s ups and downs are all recorded among the high and low-frequency electrocardiograms. The line is further expanded to connect both physical and virtual media interfaces, which further increases the scalability of data. By doing this, our visitors can “hear” the heartbeat chronicles of the hospital’s growth and flourishing and transform their sensory and spiritual perception.


Love, never stops growing

On an obstetric delivery bed, on which countless lives began, the shape of life is now turned into various stories about love. The archive presents the delivery room in the 1970s to 1980s, where visitors can realize the touching and great moment when a new life is born with the assistance of those historic devices. Above the obstetric delivery bed, video clips and images are reflected to display the image of a new life being born. Singer A-Mei, along with fellow workers of Taitung St. Mary’s Hospital, are invited to express their appreciation of the hospital, which gives further significance to the physical delivery bed. A shelf with about 100 drawers surrounds this area to collect stories of Taitung St. Mary’s Hospital as the expansion of a life story. All of these things will bring joy to the visitors allowing them to gradually feel the sincere and touching affection of the hospital.


Realize the spirit of spreading love

The sun shines through clean and transparent glass bricks upon the mottled, simple and elegant green ceramic tiles and upon the hospital’s spirit of selfless devotion and spreading love. This area, previously an operating room, is specially designed with a restored corner for Mr. Shih Shao-Wei, a deceased surgeon whom was widely appreciated and whose lifetime of devotion and great love are tangible. The identification system on the wall combines modern aesthetics and a simplicity of style, whereas the texture of the iron fixtures echoes his solid and enduring passion towards medical services. The large-scale, three-dimensional map of eastern Taiwan demonstrates various medical services and the service scope after the transformation of the hospital. With multimedia devices, we attempt to display those texts in different ways, so that visitors can directly see the true meaning of gospel delivery via medical services.


台長: 亞特蘭提斯的追夢人
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