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2011-03-09 23:00:00| 人氣768| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Your Jesus! My Buddha! Chap4-3

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Not long after, an unexpected chance came to me. I left Taiwan for India to photo the record of Buddha.


In fact, I got informed from Buddha a year ago through a friend who had the power of channeling. To my unexpectedness, the prediction came true! It was mysterious! I still remember the first idea that I had when I got the message was to save a lot of money. But the way I made money, I estimated I had to deposit money for about three years. At that time coincidently Fu Guang Shan planned to photo a special program ---“The Trip to Buddha Country”. They very much wanted a person who had Buddhism background and who had full experience of TV programming and who could bear all the hardships. I met their requirements and joined them. To my happiness, my dream came true. I did not need to be responsible for the high expenses because I was a member of the team! Those were beautiful days! Before departure, I should understand more deeply the story of Buddha and Indian culture and custom in order to write the manuscript. Arriving in India, we had got to prove Buddha’s heart and his mercy wherever he went. When we returned to Taiwan, I had to write down what I felt and what I learned to help with the production of the record. On the journey, my emotion rose and fell due to different places, things, and people. Face to face with Buddha, I self-examined the meaning of the trip again. Thanks to Buddha, I regained my confidence and I was full of surprise and happiness!


As soon as I came back to Taiwan, I went to see Fr. Albert. He looked older. I was very much worried but I could do nothing at all! And that let him down! Father Paul Batairwa also told me: “It is very hard for anyone to take the place of Fr. Albert. Though I accompanied Fr. Albert to the sites of different religions and we were welcome, in fact the big doors were opened to Fr. Albert only!”


Facing the unpredictable date of death, anxiety was unavoidable. I understood the mental feelings and stress of Fr. Albert. I wrote a letter to him: “Fr. Albert: I wish you peaceful! As for soul, God will take care of it! As for mind, we pray for you! As for the body, the doctors will treat it! As for work, Father Paul Batairwa and Li Ting will do it! So please just rest assured for recuperation.”


Fr. Albert told me the letter enabled him to feel lighter as if nothing had to do with him! He forwarded the letter to many of his friends who were concerned about him. They all said what I said was right! (They agreed to my expressions!) They hoped that Fr. Albert could follow my suggestion!


Several days later, I went to visit him in Tien Education Center. Without an appointment in advance, I wanted to give him a surprise visit. But I found Father Paul Batairwa, Superintendent Wang and Li Ting in front of his office. They were shocked to see walking toward them. Li Ting said in excitement:’ “Speak of you and you come! It is God’s arrangement!” They hoped to have the experiences of religious dialogues of Fr. Albert written down! The important project had been brewed for many years! It was the Archbishop of Asia that first proposed the project! But Fr. Albert never began! He always said this was a hard project! Now it could not be postponed any longer! And they took it for granted that I was the first candidate! They did know that Fr. Albert had full confidence in me. They had not mentioned the project to Fr. Albert. They wanted to inquire me first!


Of course, I was willing to. Imperceptibly but inexorably, there was strange predestination! In 2001, I had a similar dream!


In my dream, I visited a Buddhism site located in the mountain. I walked along the mountain path to the peak. After a sudden turn, I saw a magnificent palace with a brilliant “spirit column” with a dragon and a phoenix carved on it. I hurried toward it in excitement. A lady priest in Lamaism in red uniform came toward me. I told her what I had seen on the previous night. But she did not respond. But a group of foreign tourists putting big “Falun” showed more interest. I knew she could not appreciate my surprise ecstasy! It was a pity! There was a big tree on the left side of the palace. I walked along the stone path in back of the palace and I saw Fr. Albert all of a sudden. He was reading four books issued in green flannelet de luxe edition. Two of them were Buddhism Doctrine. One was “Core method”. The fourth was the biography of Fr. Albert in Chinese and in English written by a Buddhist.


Three days later, I showed Fr. Albert my diary of that particular dream. I felt mysterious! To him, he considered it to be a mission “impossible”. But he believed I could make it!


Fr. Albert said: “This is your book. Do not mention too much of my business.” Humbleness was always his virtue.


I said: “This is not my book either. It will not be complete without mentioning you! You have the fullest experience of religious dialogue in Taiwan. We are not the point. The point is that we want to share our experience and touching with other people. We want to be the witnesses of religious dialogue.”


Fr. Albert nodded to express his agreement.


It was an appointment that Fr. Albert from France in Europe, Father Paul Batairwa from the Congo in Africa and I from Taiwan in Asia, three different cultural background and three complexions---white, yellow and black--- and three different levels of age---old, middle-aged and young--- would meet every Wednesday at Fr. Albert’s office. And thus the religious dialogue between Buddhism and Roman Catholic Church was under way!

台長: 亞特蘭提斯的追夢人
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