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2011-02-28 01:00:00| 人氣735| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Appendix 1: A Letter to Bao-Bao!

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Appendix 1: A Letter to Bao-Bao!


Bao-Bao! It’s me! I am still alive! I am still in Taiwan! Because of the absence of Sense a body of seventy kilograms, you can’t call me “Fatty!”


Don’t you cry! But it is hard to ask you not to cry. Then just cry as you will! It is normal to feel reluctant to let me go! But remember to keep yourself elegant as usual. You have to remember to wear a charming smile on your face. Death is a blessing, isn’t it?


I thought you were right before. I hoped you could leave the world prior to me. After all, I could bear sufferings better than you. Later on, you knew I adored you. I was unwilling to see sad. You said to me: “Sense! We must follow the moral teachings devoutly. Maybe we will pass away together!” But predestination is hard to predict! And then we made a promise that “If one passes away, the other has to keep on living happily and to live out the meaning of two persons!” And so Bao-Bao ! Don’t forget our promise!


At the age of 29, you said you were anxious! You did not know how to face the age of 30. You had never thought of the age of 30. Later on, you felt light! You found I was all right to live through the age of 30. You aid I was walking in the lead, you felt rest assured. Therefore, Bao-Bao! I went first. I wanted to pave a smooth way in the Heaven and to prepare a house of a beautiful garden!


Bao-Bao! It is my happiest decision to make you my wife! Thanks to Heaven! Bao-Bao! Just remember love will never stop even if it is invisible. Only if you think of me, I am there with you! You are sure to see me. I will stay in every drop on the petal in the sunrise and unset. You can see me in everybody’s smile. I will speak to you every second you breathe. I am too shy to say in your presence: “I love!”


Bao-Bao! Thank you so much! You should embrace my father and my mother for me. We have to thank them. Tell them I am getting along very well. Don’t worry about me! Take good care of yourselves! I wish Buddha may bless you!

台長: 亞特蘭提斯的追夢人
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