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Your Jesus! My Buddha!─3The First Meeting!

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Your Jesus! My Buddha!

                       Written by: Sense Chen

                       Translated by: Justin Huang



Chapter Two

                            ─The First Meeting!


I did not know until the third day Fr. Albert (Albert Poulet–Mathis, S. J.) was admitted to the hospital. I am told that he fell down on the ground from his bed and his head got badly injured. He still attended a special meeting with some masters in the morning. He did not call 119 for emergency until he found his head was bleeding!


“Alas!” He was so much aged. And yet he did know how to take care of himself! I almost went mad. In fact, there are many people who do not know how to take good care of their health. It makes no difference how old a person is! I hurried to Cardinal Tien Hospital to see him. On the way, I paused to buy a box of strawberry. I knew he used to eat less. In addition, he was as aged as 80. There were fewer foods he could chew.


Fr. Albert lay on the bed. His cheeks obviously looked thinner. But he was still in high spirits. When he saw me, he opened his arms wide to greet me. This was the second time I saw him in the hospital. The last time was in 2002 when we went to America for a conference. He was admitted to a hospital because of heart stroke. He almost failed to return to Taiwan.


Fr. Albert was born in France in 1927. In 1959 he came to Taiwan. It is almost 50 years since he began to serve in Taiwan. He said with loud laughter he had lived in Taiwan longer than I did. I jokingly answered: “He is a Taiwanese with French blood circulating in his body!” He made his service in Tien Education Center at that time. Everyone addressed him as “Father Ma”. Fr. Albert is famous not as a Father of Roman Catholic Church but for his contribution to “Religious Dialogue and Cooperation”. Many people and many groups opened up the door to “Religious Dialogue” because of Fr. Albert, including me!


I still remember well that I saw Fr. Albert for the first time on the train bound for Fu Long in the fall of 1979. On that particular day, Fr. Albert and I received and led a group of Austrian Roman Catholic to visit the Buddhist site at Ling Jiou Mountain Buddhist Society. Fr. Albert was responsible for the arrangement of their itinerary. I joined them because I served in “The World Religious Museum” under the charge of Ling Jiou Mountain Buddhist Society. I always regard (have been regarding) myself as a Buddhist. Some Buddhists may have different opinions of me. But I one hundred percent believe myself to be a devout follower of Buddhism. I clearly understand whether I am a Buddhist or not. Once a friend who had the power of channeling said that I am predestined for both Buddhism and Roman Catholicism. (I have Karma with Buddhism and Roman Catholicism.) But I must make a good choice. My soul must have something to depend on so that I can avoid floating in the sea or in the sky.


I have selected Buddhism. Strictly speaking, it is Buddhism that came into my soul at the right time. I have already read almost all the Buddhist Scriptures that can be found in the bookstores or in the public places. I have also got acquainted with some masters. I have learned to sit in meditation. I have often attended Buddhist Ceremonies to listen to the lectures about Buddhist Scriptures. But my knowledge about Buddhism is only superficial. After that, I worked in the museum. At that time, I had a beautiful dream and I sincerely hoped that some good-natured and devout Buddhist would set up “the Museum of Buddha” so that all the religions will have a channel for equal dialogue .I felt ecstasy! How open-minded the master is! I admire the master! His wish is much greater that mine! Later on, I knew he is Master Xin Dao, the founder of the Buddhist Group of Ling Jiou Mountain Buddhist Society. Then I introduced myself to him for the purpose of serving in “The World Religious Museum”. And Fr. Albert was at that time the advisor of the museum in the field of religious dialogue. And he was the main channel between Buddhists and Roman Catholic Church. He was a good friend to many leaders of other religions. No other people but Fr. Albert were more trustworthy to entrust with the important job of religious cooperation and activities. In 1994, Albert Poulet-Mathis, S.J. united with Tian Di Jiao, Buddhism, Christianity and Roman Catholic Church to found TCRP. From then on up to now, TCRP is the highest religious group cross-religion organization. Almost all the important religious groups have representatives in TCRP. And Fr. Albert was the first and the second President. Their voices of religious groups in Taiwan are heard internationally under his leadership. It is said that he worked for sixteen hours per day. He was impatient and was eager to have things done well. But he was very strict with himself!


I guess that he was a serious old man! It might be no fun to work together with him! I only hoped that he would not preach to me the moment we met; otherwise, I would have a hard time on the way!


On that great day, I waited for him in front of the ticket office of Taipei Railway Station much earlier than the promised time. Fr. Albert showed up on time in dark western jacket, with a necktie around his neck and with a suitcase in his hand. His bright white hair was neat and clean. He wore a pair of far-sighted glasses. Behind the glasses were two curious big eyes!


“You are Shi Xian, aren’t you?” He recognized me at the first sight. He actively shook hands with me warmly, kindly and heartily. His palms were as big and powerful as those of a giant. He was really kind and was easy to get along with! He spoke Chinese more than fluently. So we could communicate with each other without any difficulty. We talked clearly, freely and happily. On the train, he showed his concern about my everyday life. I was curious about his decision to be a Father. It was not long before we came to the main topic-religious dialogue- and religious experiences. I almost forgot the details. But I clearly remember I had a strange feeling! I had no intention to hide my true feelings about religions. Though that was the first meeting and he was much older than me and we believe in different religions and what is more, I knew nothing about his viewpoints of value, we kept on talking pleasantly and happily until we went to Fu Long Railway Station. That was the first time in my life I talked so much about my life with a foreigner open-mindedly and open-heartedly.


We met Roman Catholics from Austria at Fu Long Railway Station. The bus traveled along the steep mountain road. When we came to the midway of the mountain, we got off the bus. We climbed upward on foot along a rough path. On the way, we enjoyed the beautiful scenes. Many of them were rather old. What was worse, it rained in the afternoon. I was much afraid that they might slip. I shared my umbrella with an old sister. She did not understand English. I could not communicate with her. But she kept a friendly smile on her face. I did too. Smiling is catching! Only smiling is enough and to spare to express human kindness!


They glanced through the temple. They had a small symposium with Master Xin Dao. The given time was too short to talk about much. But the feeling was very good. It was a brand-new experience to the foreigners! On our way back to Taipei, unluckily it was time of rush hours and we were delayed by the traffic jam. In the twilight and in the rain, we prayed and thanked God for His beautiful arrangement, we had a wonderful time! We felt embarrassed because they thanked us for our arrangement and warm reception. We chanted “Amitabha” in answer. It was fun to hear they said “Amen!” They began to sing hymns. I did not understand what they were singing. But I hummed with their melody. I saw Fr. Albert in the back seat smiling and nodding to me. The old sister beside me held my hand tightly, with tears in her eyes. We were all touched!


“Do you still remember the first time we met?” asked Fr. Albert lying on the bed. “


“Of course I do! Amitabha! Amen!” He laughed happily at my answer. This was his cliché to speak to Buddhists. I ate several strawberries while I kept him company; otherwise, he might eat none by (according to) his habit.


“How long have we got acquainted with each other? Twenty years?” asked Fr. Albert.


“Not as long as twenty years. It is only eight years.”


“Is it so? I think we have known each other for a long time.”


“So you have to take good care of yourself and we can become good friends for more than twenty years.” I encouraged him. But I understood his physical conditions were much worse than those of eight years ago. His speech was illogical. I felt there was something wrong in his mind. I asked why he did not go to the hospital for emergency, and he answered he had something to do in the morning. “He was scolded by the doctor!” He smiled in embarrassment. It seems as if a father should do nothing wrong!


He introduced me to a middle-aged woman next to his bed by saying I was his savior. The woman did not know the whole thing but it was strange that she did not look confused! She said to me with a smile: “Many thanks, young man! The fathers came all way to Taiwan to help us! We have to take good care of them!” I nodded to mean agreement. But I am doubtful how much I could do.


I asked Fr. Albert how he felt. He said he felt ache every inch of his body. He could not fall asleep at night!


“It is the time to leave the world!” Fr. Albert said seriously.


“It is not your time yet, nor is it your turn! You can rest assured! If you are destined to be gone, God will tell me in my dreams. God knows as a Buddhist I often have dreams.


“Are God and you on such good terms with each other?” he smiled heartily.

台長: 亞特蘭提斯的追夢人
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